
3 Reasons Why We Teach Underwater

Three children swimming in a pool; two are wearing goggles, and one is facing them. The text reads, "3 Reasons Why We Teach Underwater." The design features blue and white color themes with decorative dotted patterns.

Today, I would like to talk about something we do here that is unique and different in the swim school industry. The fantastic thing I’m going to share with you today is how we teach underwater. Why is teaching underwater a big deal? Well, let’s discuss. When we go underwater and interact with our swimmers, several things happen.

First of all, we are underwater with our swimmers, allowing them to feel like someone is doing the skills and activities with them. The sounds and sights underwater are unlike any other and, for new swimmers, they can sometimes feel overwhelming. With an instructor accompanying them, swimmers are going to feel more relaxed, they are going to feel safer, and they are going to feel a little less stressed underwater. That is going to help them do better and progress faster.

Secondly, when we interact with our swimmers underwater, we can monitor their stress and tension levels. We can only monitor these when we are actually underwater with them and watching both their facial expressions and their actions. These cannot be monitored properly from above the surface.

Lastly, we can teach and monitor air regulation much more effectively underwater. Blowing bubbles is very swim school standard. Instead, we take it further. What we do is we regulate air. Air regulation is letting go of air underwater and then taking a breath on the surface. Underwater, we can make sure swimmers are able to relax and let go of their air, setting them up for success in every aspect of swimming.

The ability to be relaxed and comfortable underwater is the foundation to becoming a lifelong swimmer. In stressful situations, being able to think and process what you need to do to get back to the wall can save a life. So, when you see our instructors underwater, they are not simply playing with swimmers. They are monitoring, they are checking-in, and they are supporting our swimmers to help them succeed and have the best underwater experience possible.

Yours in Swimming,

Mike Walker