
Going for the Gold

A young swimmer standing at the edge of a pool, wearing a black swim cap and goggles, prepares to dive in. The text reads "Going for Gold" and "What parents and swimmers need to know about world-class swimming." The logo of a swim organization is visible in the corner.

With the 2016 Olympic Games and summer coming to a close, I've been inspired to share with you how we "go for gold" every day here at Gold Medal Swim School.

When students begin new activities it's easy to point out what they are doing wrong. At Gold Medal Swim School, we believe it is more effective to spotlight golden moments in our students' swimming, or, as we like to say, "Catching students doing it right".

What I mean by this is instead of correcting the wrong, we celebrate the "RIGHT"…..Let me say it again; catch the "right" moment forget about everything else.

World class athletes rely on self-confidence to do their very best in the most difficult situations. We believe that confidence is just like a muscle. This concept of confidence being a "muscle that is strengthened through successful experiences" is key to Olympic athletes and children being the best they can become.

I have found that self-confidence is one of the major key components to swimming and peak performance in the pool and out. Our teachers help build confidence through this approach in every class.

As parents, you can help and build your child's self-confidence when you see your child doing it right. Sometimes these moments are small but let's build swimming from success, not corrections and failures. Students love doing things they are good at and love to show everyone how super they are! Here at Gold Medal Swim School we build on this and the results are awesome!

Yours in Swimming,
