A young swimmer wearing a blue swimming cap and goggles prepares to dive into a pool during a swim meet. Other swimmers are visible in the background, getting ready on the starting blocks. The pool's lane dividers can be seen in the water.

Swim Team

Swim Team

Swim Team 1

Introduction to Competitive Swimming and Team Success

Class Description

Swim Team I works to develop the total swimmer through focused practice of proper swim technique, good training habits, and character development within the framework of a team environment. Stroke technique remains the focus, but greater emphasis is placed on endurance and training for its health, fitness, and competitive benefits. Swimmers benefit from a supportive environment, small ratios, and in-water coaching.

Student Goals

Instructors actively work in the water with students to refine stroke technique and create a playful environment, balancing the introduction to competitive swimming. While increasing yardage and endurance, the focus at this level continues to be on the quality of swimming. Swim distances are based on 25 and 50-yard increments.

Want to test the waters?

Ready to jump into classes?

Unsure of your swim level?