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Learn To Swim Level
Please Select
Assessing Relaxation and the Submersion Progression
Things to look for during Assessing Relaxation and the Submersion Progression::
Arms and legs are relaxed, no nervous kicking or tense grabbing of the instructor
Student is able to complete the Submersion Progression with no tension and with continuous bubbles in each stage
Student is able to sit happily on the bottom of the pool with instructor assistance
How comfortable were they assessing Relaxation and teaching the Submersion Progression?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Relaxation and teaching the Submersion Progression?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Belly Glides to Instructor, Frog Jump or 2 Hand Safety Touch to the Wall
Things to look for during Belly Glides to Instructor, Frog Jump or 2 Hand Safety Touch to the Wall:
Student’s head is down and their eyes are facing the bottom of the pool
Student’s arm are stretched out in front of their body
Student’s body is horizontal with relaxed legs, no nervous kicks
Student is able to glide independently from the step to the instructor with bubbles
How comfortable were they teaching Belly Glides to Instructor, Frog Jump or 2 Hand Safety Touch to the Wall?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Belly Glides to Instructor, Frog Jump or 2 Hand Safety Touch to the Wall?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Back Work (Floats, Rolls, Back Kicks)
Things to look for during Back Work (Floats, Rolls, Back Kicks):
Student’s head is back, ears submerged, and neck is relaxed
Student is able to speak and breathe while floating on their back
Student is able to float on their back for 5 seconds independently
Student is able to kick independently on their back, from the step to the instructor
Student is able to kick independently on their belly, from the instructor to the wall
Student is able to roll from their front to back independently
Student’s body is horizontal, there is no break in the body position
Student’s arms are relaxed (some movement is okay as long as it’s not panicky)
Student’s kicks are continuous, legs are straight
How comfortable were they teaching Back Work (Floats, Rolls, Back Kicks)?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Back Work (Floats, Rolls, Back Kicks)?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Turnaround Survival Jumps (“What do you do if you fall in the pool?”)
Things to look out for during Turnaround Survival Jumps (“What do you do if you fall in the pool?”):
Student does not have goggles on
Student is assisted from the seated position if they are tense
Student must be independent from the seated position before standing up
From a standing position, student can independently jump into the water (out and away from the wall)
Student is able to turn around and get back to the wall after they have jumped in
How comfortable were they teaching Turnaround Survival Jumps (“What do you do if you fall in the pool?”)?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Turnaround Survival Jumps (“What do you do if you fall in the pool?”)?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Air Regulation with Slow Bubble Bobs, Ring Retrieval and Underwater Kicks
Things to look for during Air Regulation with Slow Bubble Bobs, Ring Retrieval and Underwater Kicks:
Student can complete various underwater skills with multiple air exchange (air exchange includes only one breath at the surface and bubbles before surfacing)
Student can retrieve rings from the bottom independently and return to the wall solo
Student can swim down to the instructor at the bottom of the pool while blowing continuous bubbles
How comfortable were they teaching Air Regulation with Slow Bubble Bobs, Ring Retrieval and Underwater Kicks?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Air Regulation with Slow Bubble Bobs, Ring Retrieval and Underwater Kicks?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Back Glides/Belly Glides & Back Kicks/Belly Kicks & Belly Kicks/Belly Kicks
Things to look for during Back Glides/Belly Glides & Back Kicks/Belly Kicks & Belly Kicks/Belly Kicks::
Student can glide on back and belly with a tall, straight body
Student can kick on both belly and back with a tall, straight body with head in line with the body
Student can kick on both belly and back with continuous small propulsive kicks
Student can maintain kicks while using proper air regulation
How comfortable were they teaching Back Glides/Belly Glides & Back Kicks/Belly Kicks & Belly Kicks/Belly Kicks?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Back Glides/Belly Glides & Back Kicks/Belly Kicks & Belly Kicks/Belly Kicks?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Rotational Kicks across the pool “Open the book/shut the book”
Things to look out for during Rotational Kicks across the pool “Open the book/shut the book”:
Student can roll from belly to back while kicking
Student can maintain kick and roll from belly to back with a tall, straight body, and head in line with the body
Student can roll from belly to back with bubbles before each roll
Student can roll to back and belly with a 180 roll back (not a 360 roll)
How comfortable were they teaching Rotational Kicks across the pool “Open the book/shut the book”?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Rotational Kicks across the pool “Open the book/shut the book”?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Things to look out for during Backstroke:
Student can use Backstroke arms while maintaining a tall, straight body position
Student can use Backstroke arms while maintaining a small and continuous kick at the surface of the water
Student can use Backstroke arms while maintaining air regulation
How comfortable were they teaching Backstroke?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Backstroke?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Roll to Back Survival Jump
Things to look out for during Roll to Back Survival Jump:
Student can jump off the step, roll to back, and kick to safety (1 lap)
Student can complete the roll to back survival jump fully clothed and without goggles
How comfortable were they teaching Roll to Back Survival Jump?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Roll to Back Survival Jump?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Assessing Air Regulation with Relaxed Bubble Bobs and Underwater Kicks
Things to look for during Assessing Air Regulation with Relaxed Bubble Bobs and Underwater Kicks:
Student can quickly exhale underwater and take 1 breath at the surface multiple times independently before swimming back to the wall (Bubble Bobs)
Student can swim down and kick along the bottom of the pool while blowing bubbles and surface as necessary for a single breath at the surface
How comfortable were they teaching Relaxed Bubble Bobs and Underwater Swimming?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Relaxed Bubble Bobs and Underwater Swimming?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Back Glide to the Instructor, Belly Glide to the Wall & Belly Kicks to the Instructor, Belly Kicks to the Wall
Things to look for during Back Glide to the Instructor, Belly Glide to the Wall & Belly Kicks to the Instructor, Belly Kicks to the Wall:
Student can glide on back and belly with a tall, straight body
Student can kick on the belly with a tall, straight body and head and line with the body
Student can kick on the belly with continuous small propulsive kicks
Student can maintain kicks while using proper air regulation
How comfortable were they teaching Back Glide/Belly Glide and Belly Kicks?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Back Glide/Belly Glide and Belly Kicks?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Rotational Kicks Across the Pool
Things to look out for during Rotational Kicks Across the Pool:
Student can maintain kick and roll from belly to back with a tall, straight body, and head in line with the body
Student can roll from belly to back with bubbles before each roll, and only 1 breath at the surface
Student can roll to back and belly with a 180 roll back (not a 360 roll)
Student can roll from belly to back multiple times and for multiple laps
How comfortable were they teaching Rotational Kicks Across the Pool?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Rotational Kicks Across the Pool?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Freestyle to the Instructor, Freestyle back to the Wall & Freestyle Across the Pool
Things to look out for during Freestyle to the Instructor, Freestyle back to the Wall & Freestyle Across the Pool:
Student can swim Freestyle with a tall, straight body, head is in line with the body
Student can swim Freestyle with a straight leg and continuous kicks
Student can swim Freestyle with exhalation (bubbles) and only 1 breath during each roll
Student can swim Freestyle with arms coming out of the water
Student can swim Freestyle with a 180 roll to back (no 360 roll)
How comfortable were they teaching Advanced Freestyle?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Advanced Freestyle?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Advanced Backstroke
Things to look out for during Advanced Backstroke:
Student can swim Backstroke with a tall, straight body position
Student can swim Backstroke while maintaining a small and continuous kick at the surface of the water
Student maintains air regulation during Backstroke
Student uses a “Safety Blocker” arm while kicking into the wall
How comfortable were they teaching Advanced Backstroke?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Advanced Backstroke?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Rotational Kicks with Glide Arms
Things to look for during Rotational Kicks with Glide Arms:
Student can maintain kick and roll from belly to back with a tall, straight body, and head in line with the body and arms out front
Student can roll from belly to back with bubbles before each roll, and only 1 breath at the surface
Student can roll to back and belly with a 180 roll back (not a 360 roll)
Student can roll from belly to back multiple times and for multiple laps
How comfortable were they teaching Rotational Kicks with Glide Arms?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Rotational Kicks with Glide Arms?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Advanced Freestyle
Things to look for during Advanced Freestyle:
Student can swim Freestyle with a tall, straight body, head is in line with the body
Student can swim Freestyle with a straight leg and continuous kicks
Student can swim Freestyle with exhalation (bubbles) and only 1 breath during each roll
Student can swim Freestyle with arms coming out of the water
Student can swim Freestyle with a 180 roll to back (no 360 roll)
Seal: How comfortable were they teaching Advanced Freestyle?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Seal: How comfortable were they correcting Advanced Freestyle?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Advanced Backstroke
Things to look out for during Advanced Backstroke:
Student can swim Backstroke with a tall, straight body position
Student can swim Backstroke while maintaining a small and continuous kick at the surface of the water
Student maintains air regulation during Backstroke
Student uses a “Safety Blocker” arm while kicking into the wall
Seal: How comfortable were they teaching Advanced Backstroke?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Seal: How comfortable were they correcting Advanced Backstroke?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Butterfly Kicks w/ Glide Arms
Things to look out for during Butterfly Kicks w/ Glide Arms:
Student can complete a Butterfly kick with only 1 press and 1 snap per kick
Student can complete a Butterfly kick with glide arms and eyes looking at the bottom of the pool
When taking a breath, student can complete a Butterfly kick with bubbles and only 1 breath at the surface
How comfortable were they teaching Butterfly Kicks w/ Glide Arms?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Butterfly Kicks w/ Glide Arms?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Breaststroke Kick
Things to look out for during Breaststroke Kick:
Student can move both legs simultaneously in the correct path (Ideally with both feet turned out, though not all swimmers are successful with this. Contact a manager for assistance if a student is struggling with this)
Student can complete a Breaststroke kick with feet moving simultaneously into an extended glide
How comfortable were they teaching Breaststroke Kick?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Breaststroke Kick?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Freestyle and Backstroke
Things to look for during Freestyle and Backstroke Swim, 6 laps at a time, with no stopping:
Student can exhale underwater and roll for a quick breath
Student can exhale underwater and roll for air and take only 1 breath at the surface
Student can roll for air while maintaining a tall body and kick fast
Student can roll for air while maintaining continuous, straight leg kicks
Student can roll to the side for air while using Freestyle arms
Student can use Backstroke arms while maintaining a tall, straight body position, and small fast kicks
Student does not hold breath while swimming Backstroke
Student can kick to the wall with one arm extended
How comfortable were they teaching Freestyle and Backstroke Swim, 6 laps at a time, with no stopping?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Freestyle and Backstroke Swim, 6 laps at a time, with no stopping?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Things to look for during Butterfly:
Student can swim fast wiggles (Butterfly kick) that show forward propulsion
Student can blow out all bubbles quickly prior to taking a breath
Student can swim Butterfly stroke with a breath, complete arm pull, and face back into the water before the arms come back to the glide position in front
How comfortable were they teaching Butterfly?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Butterfly?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Breaststroke Arms
Things to look out for during Breaststroke Arms:
Student begins the arm pull with a clear I/glide position at the beginning and end of each arm “scoop”
Bubbles are being blown in the I/glide position, and completely done/gone in the Y position
The student breathes beginning in the Y position (once the bubbles are completely gone)
The arm “scoops” happen in front of the face and do not pull down past the shoulders
How comfortable were they teaching Breaststroke Arms?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Breaststroke Arms?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
Things to look out for during Breaststroke:
Student shows a clear I/glide position at the beginning and end of each arm “scoop”
Student completely exhales bubbles in the I/glide position
Student takes a breath as the Y position moves into the arms “scoop”
Student does a Breaststroke kick into the I/glide position
How comfortable were they teaching Breaststroke?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
How comfortable were they correcting Breaststroke?
Please Select
Not comfortable at all
Slightly comfortable
Completely comfortable
Please note which skills listed above they need more training on.
What skills are they still working on?
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