10 Reasons to Enroll in Baby Swim

Gold Medal Baby Swim taught my daughter and I foundational swimming skills that were very practical for fun and safety. It gave us both confidence, and set up my daughter for success in swimming at a young age. -Lory Payne

Heather has been swimming since she was 6 months old. Swimming has helped her to gain muscular strength. Swimming has helped her with her balance and strength, enabling her to start walking earlier than “normal.” Swimming has given Heather the ability to learn her gross motorskills with little practice and she does it with ease.-Jamie Richards

Gold Medal Swim School skills gave my children the right skills at developmentally appropriate times that helped them to be more than survivors in the water- they became swimmers in the pool by age two. I love how they also taught and gave me (the parent) confidence to keep training my kids in the water! - Nora Shank

  1. Safety! According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “drowning is a leading cause of injury-related death in children.”
    We equip swimmers with a safety skill set that reduces the chance that such a tragedy could occur.
  2. After spending nine months in the womb, infants are familiar with and feel comfortable in water.2 Older children and adults may require 8 – 10 lessons before achieving the same level of comfort and confidence in the water.
  3. Infants have an innate diving reflex that decreases with maturity. This defense mechanism protects their airways and allows them to acclimate to the aquatic environment easier and makes for a more fluid progression of skills.3
  4. Since babies are not restricted by gravity in the water, they can exercise more muscles than they can outside of it.4 This strengthens muscles and can lead to early acquisition of physical skills, such as crawling, walking, and running.5
  5. In addition to strengthening muscles, swimming is a low-impact exercise that improves endurance and cardiovascular fitness, strengthens the lungs, and “improv[es] coordination, balance, and posture.” 6
  6. After mastering foundational skills, students are introduced to and master the four swimming strokes in our Learn to Swim program. Early mastery of safety skills and water movement in Baby Swim can lead to early stroke instruction.
  7. Gentle exercise leads to better sleeping and eating patterns.4 Our Unlimited Swim program allows for currently enrolled students to take additional class for FREE and experience these benefits multiple times per week.
  8. Swimmers develop self-awareness, independence, and confidence while enjoying the focused attention of their parent/ caregiver during their swim lesson.7
  9. Skin-to-skin contact can deepen the bond between a parent/caregiver and their baby.7 The relaxed aquatic environment fosters this bond with the aid of songs, games, and gentle encouragement.
  10. As your swimmer progresses through our Baby Swim program, they will build self-confidence and learn valuable skills to set them up for a lifetime of success.
  1. Weiss, J., Gardner, H. G., Baum, C. R., Dowd, M. D., Durbin, D. R., Ebel, B. E., ... & Scholer, S. J. (2010). Policy statement-prevention of drowning. Pediatrics, 126(1), 178-185.
  2. Ahrendt, L., & Kohl, M. (2002). Baby Swimming. Meyer & Meyer Verlag.
  3. Goksör, E., Rosengren, L., & Wennergren, G. (2002). Bradycardic response during submersion in infant swimming. Acta paediatrica, 91(3), 307-312.
  4. Baby Swimming. (n.d.). Benefits of Baby Swim. Retrieved from https://babyswimming.com/benefits-of-baby-swim/
  5. Kohl, H. W., & I. (2013, October 30). Physical Activity and Physical Education: Relationship to Growth, Development, and Health. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK201497/
  6. Better Health Channel. (n.d.). Swimming - health benefits. Retrieved from https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/swimming-health-benefits
  7. Healthline. (2015, October 16). The Benefits of Infant Swim Time. Retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/health/parenting/infant-swimming#4