Three young children leaning against the edge of a swimming pool. The child on the left is wearing purple goggles, while the other two are without goggles. All three have their hands on the pool edge and are smiling or looking playfully at the camera.

LTS Welcome Packet

LTS Welcome Packet

Welcome to Gold Medal Swim School!

Welcome to the Gold Medal Swim School from our family, to your family. Since 1993, the Gold Medal Swim School has been welcoming, teaching, and saving the lives of Arizona swimmers. Founded by Olympic Champion Mike Troy and Olympic Coach Mike Walker, we are committed to providing your family the best swimming experience possible and we look forward to getting to know your family each and every week.

We come to work every day and simply LOVE KIDS. We love them on the good days AND the tough days. We value you and your children and we thank you for trusting us with them each week. We are committed to making this the best swim school on the planet and we welcome your questions, comments, thanks, feedback, and guidance on how we can make this an even better experience for your children. Please feel free to call or text owner Mike Walker, day or night, at (480) 287-4000.

We now invite you to dive into the information in the following pages and really soak it all in. In your Welcome Packet, you will learn even more about what makes us special and what sets us apart in the swim school industry. You’ll learn about our staff, our programs, our curriculum, our Core Values, and what make us – us.