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Three young children leaning against the edge of a swimming pool. The child on the left is wearing purple goggles, while the other two are without goggles. All three have their hands on the pool edge and are smiling or looking playfully at the camera.

LTS Welcome Packet

LTS Welcome Packet


A swim instructor wearing goggles is in the pool with three young children. One child is floating on their back with goggles on, while the instructor supports them. The other two children are watching attentively, all wearing swim gear.

Unlimited Swim

Our FREE Unlimited Swim program is offered year-round and provides students the opportunity to take additional classes at no extra charge. We offer Unlimited Swim because we believe consistency is the best way to learn and develop lifesaving swimming skills.

Two children are at an indoor swimming pool. One child in a colorful swimsuit is mid-jump into the pool, arms spread wide, while the other child, also in a colorful swimsuit, sits on the pool deck watching. The pool area is decorated with tiled walls and pennant flags.

Participating in Unlimited Swim

Learn to Swim (Starfish, Seahorse, Dolphin, Seal, Stingray) swimmers are eligible for Unlimited Swim. Students must be perpetually enrolled to book Unlimited Swim. We recommend one Unlimited Swim class – in addition to the student’s perpetual class – per week for peak progression.

An adult wearing swimming goggles holds a young child in a swimming pool. Both are smiling and appear to be enjoying the water. There are other people around the pool area, including another child and an adult in the background.

Booking Unlimited Swim

Unlimited Swim requests are for same-day bookings only. Openings are limited and are based on class availability. To request an Unlimited Swim class, submit the Unlimited Swim Request form after 9:00 PM the night before you would like to book a class. If space is available in one of the class times you request, we will book you into the class for FREE! Limit: One class per day. For more information on Unlimited Swim, click here.